About Us

Welcome to the Longstead! We are so excited that you are here. At our house we believe in living for the Lord, loving our family and learning new things. We are not experts, but we love to learn. We should never reach a point in our lives where we think we know it all. There is always something new to learn or a better way to do something that will make us that much better. We want to share things we have learned and bring you along as we continue to learn and improve.

With a name like Longstead I’m sure you’re expecting a homestead blog. While we hope to one day be able to pursue that dream, for now, we must satisfy ourselves with being productive where the Lord has us. That is here in the city serving our church and learning how to garden and can and build structures and any other steading type projects we can think of. Though we don’t technically have the “homestead” dream we do think it is profitable to practice those skills even in the city. Our hope with this website is to encourage others to learn new skills too.

Zarick and I have been married since we were 21 years old, and we homeschool our 4 children. We love the Lord and desire to live every day in service to Him.

Zarick works at a local hospital as a radiographer, and I stay home to care for our children and try to keep things running smoothly.